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Light tower, Verkehrskanzel, Berlin

Light tower, Verkehrskanzel, Berlin. When visiting European cities I am always much more aware of the urban realm than when I am at home. Perhaps this is because of my European upbringing, coupled with growing up in cities. This early initiation gave me a foundation to better understand the richness of cities and, in particular, the ceremonial spaces of the seat of the Habsburgs in Vienna, were I lived between the ages of five and twelve.

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Architectural sketching and how do I sketch

Study of Juan Gris painting

Architectural sketching and how do I sketch. This second blog of the series Architectural sketching is a compendium and illustration of conceptual thoughts offered in the previous blog of a similar title. The examples for this blog are taken from my own sketchbooks that span over several decades. Each example illustrates a particular architectural preoccupation through sketching.

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Lower deck lavatory: A340-600

Lower deck lavatory: A340-600. I have been fortunate to travel in many parts of the world since the age of nine. Although trains remains my favorite mode of ground transportation—especially in Europe where I grew up and during a day’s ride you can see the panoramic landscape transform in front of your eyes—taking an airplane is a must when speedy travel overseas is essential, of course, if you have time, a slower voyage across the Atlantic with the Queen Mary 2 is memorable.

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Blue Bottle Coffee: Hong Kong

Detail of the windows of Blue Bottle Coffee

Blue Bottle Coffee: Hong Kong. Cafés are quintessential urban places that showcase the autobiographical identities of cities. In a past blog, I wrote about a famous café in Riga, Latvia: “…cafés are places where patrons often act as if the space was their own living room, telling me that these intimate conversations and social behaviors are meant to be seen and overheard.” In this new blog, I wish to reflect on another aspect that defines the cultural identity of cafés, where architecture is part of a larger sense of place. 

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Hong Kong: a metropolis of contradictions

detail of an art work by Louis Soloway Chan

Hong Kong: a metropolis of contradictions. There is so much I love about the city of Hong Kong that it is almost impossible to articulate in a single thought. What draws me year after year to return to the Fragrant Harbor; a name inspired by the city’s early activities as a major Asian trading post for fragrant incense?

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