Otto Wagner, Vienna. The following portfolio of images were taken as part of several Fall Travel trip to Europe with architecture students. These particularly selections features works by Austrian architect Otto Wagner.
Subway stations: Karlsplatz and Schoenbrunn

The Postsparkasse building (1906)
Address: Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
Note: During a visit September 2023, the facility no longer serves as the Austrian Postal Office building, thus the main hall (1) is open to enjoy with a little cafe. The general public has equally access to the remaining spaces, and I encourage visitors to not only view the main entrance stairway (3), but as well the adjacent more modest stairwell (4), corridors (2), as well as the secondary entrance (6), the semi-circular stair at the back of the building (7) and the enclosed fire stair that protrudes in the left courtyard (5) (Image 1, below).

Main Hall (1) and corridors (2)

Main entrance stair hall (3)

Adjacent modest stairwell (4)

Contemporary fire stair in the left courtyard (5)

Secondary stairwell (6)

Circular staircase (7)

Facade (8)