Architecture Travel Abroad Program

Architecture field trip An Architecture travel abroad program (i.e., field trips), historically coined the Grand Tour, were established in the 17th century and tailored to British aristocrats in pursuit of refining their liberal arts education through a visit to continental Europe. For students tutored under a mentor, favored destinations such as Italy and Greece introduced the Classical world … Continue reading Architecture Travel Abroad Program

2022 Europe Study Travel Abroad Program

Architecture field trip Architecture field trips, historically coined the Grand Tour, were established in the 17th century and tailored to British aristocrats in pursuit of refining their liberal arts education through a visit to continental Europe. For students tutored under a mentor, favored destinations such as Italy and Greece introduced the Classical world of antiquity to those who … Continue reading 2022 Europe Study Travel Abroad Program

The need for disciplinary integration: Part 2

The need for disciplinary integration: Part 2. Design topics related to urban preservation have become one of my favorite themes when teaching second year architecture students. In my program briefs, I also tend to incorporate that projects be determined—to a certain extent—by a client’s functional needs, preoccupations, and desires, all the while having student projects reflect their … Continue reading The need for disciplinary integration: Part 2

Writing interludes

“Architecture does not exist without drawing, in the same way that architecture does not exist without text.”Bernard Tschumi Students of architecture have countless ways to express ideas about their projects. From concept to final presentation, they may choose carefully from many mediums to represent their ideas: diagrams, sketches, orthographic representations, perspectives, analog models, computer generated … Continue reading Writing interludes

Thoughts on teaching, Part 2

Thoughts on teaching, Part 2. My passion for the practice of architecture led me—unexpectedly—to my love of teaching architecture. In particular, teaching students in early stages of learning; a moment in their academic tenure where it is key to acquire fundamental principles. “What will be more important in the future, the right skill set or … Continue reading Thoughts on teaching, Part 2

Graduate Design Studio Fall 2021

COURSE DESCRIPTION FOR THE GRADUATE ACADEMIC FALL SEMESTER 2021 “Task of design: to give a sense to the objectives of architecture, to understand and interpret their foundation. That is to identify the cognitive structure, which interconnects the objects in a referential network.”Giancarlo Durisch (Swiss architect) Creativity as a balance between imagination and originality The ambition … Continue reading Graduate Design Studio Fall 2021