Question of Pedagogy, Part 1

Question of Pedagogy, Part 1. As a student, I remember fondly our first studio day of the semester. It was always magic and full of promise. The faculty member would introduce her or himself, describe the expected requirements for a healthy studio culture, and proceed to share thoughts on the pedagogical intentions offered by the … Continue reading Question of Pedagogy, Part 1

Why Model Sketching? Part 2

Why Model Sketching? Part 2. As a student attending Cooper Union, I vividly remember the first time I saw one of my peers “sketch” in model form. While I was well versed in sketching through drawing, and was particularly fond of diagraming concepts to develop ideas, I was surprised by this new method of allowing … Continue reading Why Model Sketching? Part 2

Carlo Scarpa Gavina Showroom, Part 1

Carlo Scarpa Gavina Showroom, Part 1. Recently a former student and I discussed progress on the design of his infill project. He presented a compelling argument as to how his proposal emanated from an urban concept, and how he wanted to create—at the pedestrian level—a public and hybrid gallery space to accommodate various functions such … Continue reading Carlo Scarpa Gavina Showroom, Part 1

Carlo Scarpa Gipsoteca in Possagno, Italy

Carlo Scarpa Gipsoteca in Possagno, Italy. North of Venice, Italy, in San Vito d’Altivole, lies the cemetery of the Brion Vega family—the magnum opus of Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978). Nearby, in the village of Possagno, is another of the architect’s projects. Modest in scale, his addition to the existing Gipsoteca Canova, familiarly called the … Continue reading Carlo Scarpa Gipsoteca in Possagno, Italy

The Dieter Kienast project

The Dieter Kienast project. I believe that a sound site strategy is responsible for ninety percent of the success of any architectural project. Of course, beyond the initial principle of settlement, keeping an eye on how the project unfolds through multiple design phases —urban, architectural and human scales— and making constant adjustments to the site … Continue reading The Dieter Kienast project

Church Architecture of Arantzazu, Basque region

Church Architecture of Arantzazu, Basque region. I remember it being a cold and windy November day when I first visited this site; a place of pilgrimage that I had never heard of before. Located in the Basque region of Spain, a short hour north of the medieval city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Sanctuary of Our Lady … Continue reading Church Architecture of Arantzazu, Basque region

Tita Carloni Church facade in Ticino

Tita Carloni Church facade in Ticino. Since the founding of the Federal Charter of 1291, Switzerland has remained an open-minded country that has sought to balance tradition with innovation. This is true in many aspects of Swiss life, and is particularly visible in matters related to art, religion, education, and perhaps most importantly, Switzerland’s principle … Continue reading Tita Carloni Church facade in Ticino